
The Dine Digital Solution w/Mouthwatch

Original price was: $1,094.00.Current price is: $1,045.00.


The best of both Worlds- The Dine Digital Solution and MouthWatch intra-oral camera

Special price $1045 (Combination Special)

Combine the instant communication of intra-oral video cameras with the record keeping power of an easy to use point and shoot digital dental camera in this unique package. 

Featuring the Dine Digital Solution:

Lester Dine’s 18mp hand held camera modified for dental photography. This camera is unique in that it will light deep inside the mouth without any additional attachments allowing it to take the full range of dental photography from posterior quadrants to anteriors and occlusals as well as portraits. The camera requires no settings changes to accomplish the full range of picture taking.

The Dine Digital Solution is an ideal record keeping device that is simple to use while taking terrific intra ad extra oral photography.

MouthWatching Intra-oral Video Camera:

The MouthWatch intra-oral oral camera is a fantastic an affordable communication tool for your office. Allowing a fast/ high quality scan of the patient’s mouth. Images from the scan can be instantly captured and saved into your patient’s record. It’s a fantastic, real-time selling tool. The camera integrates with virtually all practice management softwares seamlessly, making the camera a no brainer edition to any office and its price ideally for multiple work station purchases ($299 when purchased separately, $799 for three)

Buy both cameras together and save. Complete kit includes:

Dine Digital Solution Camera

hard carrying case

cheek retractors

intra-oral mirror

16 gig memory card

memory card reader

rechargable battery and charger

PLUS  the MouthWatch Intra-oral video camera with built in USB direct connect

Lifetime telephone, email and live chat support

Price: $1,045.00